Otter Lake Fire House

Otter Lake Fire House, Otter Lake, NY:

NAAE provided architectural and engineering design for a new fire house designed in accordance with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Department of Homeland Security, and U.S. Fire Administration requirements. This project was funded through an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Assistance to Firefighters Station Construction Grant (ARRA-SCG). The station has a double-depth three bay apparatus floor, dispatch room, office, sleeping quarters, toilet/shower, and a community room with a commercial kitchen.

Testimonial: “Our experience over the years in working with Nelson Associates has always been very positive.  Being a small volunteer fire department the design, bid, build and construction management process can be very intimidating.  The NAAE team gave us the knowledge, support and confidence we needed through the entire job to help us realize our goal of a new firehouse to better serve our community, our neighbors and visitors to our area.”
Tom Abrial, Otter Lake Fire Department

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